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3 Ways to Combat Metabolic Syndrome

3 Ways to Combat Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome is a Collection of Five Risk Factors

Metabolic syndrome is a collection of five risk factors that raise the likelihood of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Taken together, these problems push our bodies off balance when it comes to metabolism. That lack of balance is of great concern because metabolism is how our digestive system keeps the body in good health.

What causes metabolic syndrome?

The rise in diagnosis of metabolic syndrome in the US is linked to obesity, lack of exercise, and insulin resistance (the body’s inability to use insulin correctly).

How is metabolic syndrome diagnosed?

A person with at least three of the following measurable risk factors may be diagnosed as having metabolic syndrome.

    1. 1. Large waistline (35 inches or larger for women, 40 inches or larger for men)
      2. High blood cholesterol, triglycerides (150 mg/dL or higher)
      3. Low “good” cholesterol, HDL (50 mg/dL or lower for women, 40mg/dL or lower for men)
      4. High blood pressure (135/85 mm Hg or higher)
      5. High fasting blood sugar level (100 mg/dL or higher)

What is the significance of metabolic syndrome for health and weight loss?

Metabolic syndrome can be controlled, delayed or even prevented with healthy lifestyle choices, starting with the food we eat.

What can you do to combat metabolic syndrome?

It is possible to treat some symptoms of metabolic syndrome with medication, but a better solution is to reduce or eliminate risk factors by losing weight and getting fit.

Here’s Our Top 3 Ways to Combat Metabolic Syndrome

  1. Restrict your carbohydrate intake.

This will allow your body to use other sources of energy for fuel, like fat. This also helps reduce inflammation in the body.

Tip: Rethink breakfast. Start your day with a carbohydrate-free breakfast of protein and healthy natural fats. This is a great way to keep your morning insulin from spiking and preventing your body from going into a carb-craving cycle.

  1. Build light exercise into your daily routine.

Take a brisk 15-minute walk every day and gradually increase to 30 minutes.

Tip: Don’t jump into an aggressive workout schedule. A light walk, taken consistently each day, is better at reducing stress and keeping you fit than a strenuous workout schedule that you can’t maintain.

  1. Get professional advice.

Talk to your doctor about the safest way for you to treat your particular metabolic syndrome risk factors.

Tip: Your JumpstartMD medical weight loss team can begin to address your questions and help you put together a plan for talking with your family doctor or regular health care provider.

What questions should you ask your JumpstartMD health coach about metabolic syndrome?

Your JumpstartMD health coach can help figure out the optimum diet and exercise regime to help you lose weight, taking into account your specific diagnosis and personal circumstances. Make sure you have recent test results with you and bring your weekly food diary.

Make a list of questions to ask before your meeting so you don’t forget them.

    1. 1. Do these test results indicate that I have metabolic syndrome?
      2. What are the pros and cons of prescribed medication?
      3. What is a reasonable weight goal for me?
      4. What simple changes can I make to my diet to get started?

Let’s Talk!

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