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The Power of Two: Lose Weight with a Partner!

The Power of Two: Lose Weight with a Partner!

Grab a partner and embark on the journey towards health and wellness together

The power of two comes into focus when you team up and lose weight with a partner. February is the most recognized month to celebrate love. But love should be celebrated 12 months of the year. One of the best ways to show love for yourself and your significant other is to be good to yourselves and embrace a healthy lifestyle.

So how do you lose weight with a partner?

If you have considered starting a new health or weight loss program but hesitated, consider grabbing a partner. According to a recent study on JAMA (Journal of Internal Medicine), both men and women were twice as likely to lose weight with a partner. The benefits are endless.

Make a date and go shopping

Take your partner on a trip to your local Farmer’s market. Farmer’s markets are popping up in nearly every city with delicious, in-season fruits and veggies to support your new, healthy lifestyle.

Celebrate the joy of cooking

Cooking and preparing healthy meals together can actually save both money and time and allow for quality together time. You control what’s in your food, avoiding hidden sugars, artificial ingredients and other unhealthy ingredients. Together, you can try new foods and explore new flavors. Don’t be afraid to spice it up.

Losing weight with a partner equals in-house support and accountability

Starting a new weight loss program requires commitment and realistic expectations. When you join someone on this journey, you both become partners for better health. That includes mental, spiritual and physical health.

Create new healthy habits together

It takes time to create new habits in order to lose weight with a partner! In fact, studies have shown it takes an average of 21 days to form a new habit. The best way to reinforce new habits is to surround yourself with people who are going through the same experiences, so that you can support each other.

Exercise together to lose weight with a partner

Get out and take a walk together. Or try a double kayak. Find an enjoyable activity to share with each other and strengthen your bond and move you closer to your goal.

Joining forces to lose weight with a partner will more than double your chance of succeeding at making a positive lifestyle change. So grab your significant other or friend and start building new, healthy habits together.

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